Shree Rameshwar Ganga Ashram - Old Age Home in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh is a N.G.O. which was established in the year 1992 with the noble intention of looking after people who needed constant care and medical attention in a safe and clean environment. We are committed to providing for the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of senior citizens requiring assistance, in a loving, caring, dignified and secure environment. Shri Rameshawar Ganga Ashram provides residential care with medical care, nursing care to the old, belonging mostly to poor & middle class individuals of all denominations. We would enable the aged persons to lead a self reliant, dignified and secure life free from the hassles of daily chores.
Dr. Jaswant Singh (Ph.D.- Mathematics), Managing Director of the institute is a Senior Specialist Teacher of IIT-JEE. Ten research papers have been published internationally. He has been engaged in social service for the last 40 years while in the role of expert teacher. Shree Rameshwar Ganga Ashram old age home is located in Panki, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
संस्था के प्रबंध निदेशक डा० जसवंत सिंह, पीएच०डी०-गणित, आई०आई०टी०-जे०ई०ई० के वरिष्ठ विशेषज्ञ शिक्षक है| जिनके अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर 10 शोध-पत्र प्रकाशित हो चुके है| वे पिछले 40 वर्षों से शिक्षक विशेषज्ञ की भूमिका में रहते हुए समाज सेवा में संलग्न है| श्री रामेश्वर गंगा आश्रम ओल्ड ऐज होम पनकी, कानपुर, उत्तरप्रदेश में स्थित है|
The mission is to provide the aged, infirm, orphaned and disease - stricken people to stay with us on any reason with security, rest, assistance, spiritual relief and protection in a serene and blessed atmosphere at a “home away from home”.
To make a concerted effort to promote and sponsor a safe and stable ‘heaven’ for the elderly. This “home away from home” would enable the aged persons to lead a self reliant, dignified and secure life free from the hassles of daily chores.
Our aim is to make the elderly feel that they are truly at home though in a different residence. Their stay at Shree Rameshwar Ganga Ashram will free them from various worries and pressures and find them a new life with all the basic comforts and care.